Miscellaneous projects
Here you will find a series of papers that do not fit any other research areas. With time, I may place some of this work into its own category as it develops further.

Using agentization for exploring firm and labor dynamics
Published on: 2011This was our first attempt to understand the overlap between neoclassical economic models and agent-computing ones. In this particular study, we demonstrate how to generalised a well-known neoclassical model of firm dynamics to gradually turn it into an agent-computing model that is capable of generating a broader set of statistical regularities without the need of assumptions such as equilibrium.
A method for emerging empirical age structures in agent-based models with exogenous survival probabilities
Published on: 2023This work was inspired by a problem faced by policymaking users of agent-based models: how to generate the empirical age distribution in a model with a constant steady-state population. Traditional methods such as survival probability imputation do not work because the assumed statistical model used to estimate those probabilities differs from the agent-based one. Here, we develop a methodology to estimate the correct survival probabilities and generate a large variety of age distributions.
The climate security index
Published on: 2022In a collaboration with CGIAR, we developed a new framework to assess the climate security risk of a country. The aim is to bring together ideas from different fields to build a holistic framework.
Methodological note for the climate and security index
Published on: 2023This is the formal presentation of the climate security index framework. We bring together ideas and methods from conflict analysis, complex systems, signal processing, and public governance to build a novel method.
Are all policymakers data scientists now?
Published on: 2024In this piece we reflect on the state of affairs with regard to the adoption of data science methods in the public sphere. The analysis looks at the potential adoption these tools according to three dimensions: pace, penetration, and profundity.